Sunday Worship

This Week’s Worship 

Join our Chinese Worship








Thank you for joining our English Worship Service today. Please join our English Sunday School at 11:00 am on Zoom.

ANNOUNCEMENTS April 12, 2020

Welcome brothers and sisters to our virtual Resurrection Sunday Bilingual Worship Service. Our Lord is risen. He is risen indeed!

A Baptismal Service was originally scheduled for today. We thank the Lord for two young brothers who have attended Baptismal Classes and are planning to get baptized.  As soon as social distancing is lifted, the church will schedule a Baptismal Service for them as well as anyone who is a professed believer and would like to follow the teaching of Christ to be baptized.

We will continue online English and Chinese Worship next Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. respectively until further notice.

Today marks the 17th anniversary of RCCC-W, which is a result of RCCC’s Church Planting Initiative more than 17 years ago.  We thank the Lord for guiding RCCC-W throughout these years, not without tough and trying times, and we especially thank those who faithfully serve at RCCC-W.  We pray that in His time, the Lord will bring a servant to shepherd the congregation there as the Search Committee continues to look for a pastor for RCCC-W.

COVID-19 updates and other resources (e.g. fellowship and prayer meeting schedules, encouragement from our pastors, and children’s ministry materials) can be found on our church website (

We continue to process all church offering that come in during this period. In addition, we are making a special offering to support the Rochester community, specifically Rochester Regional Health (RRH), in the ongoing fight against COVID-19. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please indicate COVID-19 in the memo.